Posts Tagged ‘Ergonomics Jackson MS’

Welcome to Armstrong-King Chiropractic's Ergonomics Jackson MS Archive. Here you can learn more about Armstrong-King Chiropractic, Chiropractic, and Dr. Billie King Shaw, today's choice for Chiropractors in Jackson, MS. Read Dr. Billie King Shaw's Chiropractic Ergonomics Jackson MS for the health of it.

We look forward to serving you! Call - 601-957-7374.

A New Health Warning Label For Chairs?

Neck Pain Jackson MS Pain Relief

Ads, Glorious Ads!  How would we know what we want with out being told, sung to, danced, designed, and trailered.  But, on the flip side how far has society gone on adding warning labels to everything?  Now its chairs due to poor health conditions that can be attributed to habitual sitters (just like smokers).  What's ...


Armstrong Chiropractic