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Welcome to Armstrong-King Chiropractic's Archive. Here you can learn more about Armstrong-King Chiropractic, Chiropractic, and Dr. Billie King Shaw, today's choice for Chiropractors in Jackson, MS. Read Dr. Billie King Shaw's Chiropractic for the health of it.

We look forward to serving you! Call - 601-957-7374.

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter Jackson MS

Avoid Joint Replacement Surgery

Back Pain Jackson MS Joint Replacement

As we get older, we begin to find signs of age.  Our skin is not as firm. We are not as flexible. We slow down and actually acknowledge we are in pain.  But what happens when our joint pain begins to become so excruciating that we are limited in our day to day activities? Unfortunately many ...


Savor Full Bodied Healthcare!

Health Enhancement Jackson MS

Are You Benched With A Frozen Shoulder?

Neck Pain Jackson MS Frozen Shoulder

Fabulous Spring is here!   At this time of year, we should be in full swing and enjoying the benefits of the sun and outdoor activities. Unfortunately many of us are sitting on the bench or taking medications to play through our neck pain and what is described as a "frozen shoulder". What Exactly is A ...


Love Your Joints

Joint Pain Jackson MS

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