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The Generation of Degenerative Back Pain

Back Pain Jackson MS Arthritis

Next time you are out, look to the person on your left and right or better yet look at the group of people who are just a short distance from you. What you may notice is the rolled shoulders and head forward posture. No, it is not the cell phone they have in their ...


A Drop of Nectar On Nutrition

Nutrition Jackson MS Wellness

We have all become more health oriented these days, especially those of us who are parents or are now recapturing our health from our care-free days of youth. In this quest, we know that fruit is an essential part of the nutritional pyramid of a well-balanced, healthy diet. Fruit not only provides an excellent ...


Is More Water Really Important?

Hydration Jackson MS Wellness

As the temperatures rise so does our bodies need to cool down. To do this, your body, an incredible machine, has a built-in cooling system which performs the function of perspiration. This fabulous machine is also responsible for self-sustaining by making its own repairs and with proper nerve flow regenerating new healthy cells which ...


Side Effects – Your Healthcare Choice

Back Pain Jackson MS Chiropractor

Unless you live on Netflix, you are unable to turn on the television without a commercial appearing, for some new pharmaceutical drug that will cure whatever condition or disease that your body may be suffering from at the moment. Drug manufacturers commonly advertise on television and in various other media to encourage people to "Ask your ...


The Naked Truth

Naked Truth Nutrition Jackson MS

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