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Pay it Forward

Pay it Forward Jackson MS

How Do You Spell Pain Relief?

Neck Pain Jackson MS Whiplash

Carefully listen next time you are watching television, and a new drug is being advertised. The last 20 seconds after the sell is the long list of side effects. Wow! The effects are far worse than the condition they are treating. By comparison now, the simple over-the-counter pain relievers look virtually ...


A Feather of Healthcare Reality

Healthcare Reality Jackson MS

Suffering From Pinched Nerves?

Sciatica Jackson MS Pinched Nerve

Are you suffering from pinched nerves? It is possible for a “Pinched” nerve to happen anywhere in your spine; they can affect nerves that go to your arms, fingers, wrist, neck, back, shoulder, head, legs, muscles, and internal organs, and can affect your general health, posture, energy level, resistance to disease – even your emotional ...


Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving Jackson MS

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