The Secret – Chiropractic
by Dr. Billie King Shaw

Read The Secret – Chiropractic by Dr. Billie King Shaw to learn more about Armstrong-King Chiropractic and our Chiropractic office in Jackson, MS.

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Jackson MS Chiropractic Care
Have you ever forgotten how to do a simple math equation or looked a word and it simply looked incorrect?

These are functions of our conscious mind. Self help books reveal how to improve our memory, increase our vocabulary or sharpen our mental acuity. These books may help because, as we all know, our conscious mind is prone to making mistakes. Sometimes, a lot of mistakes!

But there’s no book filled with tips about how to improve your heart’s response to adrenalin or how to enhance your lung’s ability to oxygenate blood! Why? Because these are just two examples of millions of functions your body controls and regulates continuously with not a single conscious thought from you.

How does this relate to a headache, back pain or the crick in your neck? Your body is programmed to survive. Virtually every sign or symptom that we traditionally think of as an illness is merely your body’s best attempt to keep itself alive. No errors. Zero mistakes.

When your body feels threatened, it responds in a variety of ways to get your attention. To encourage you to change. To teach a lesson. To tell you its capacity to accommodate or adapt to stress has been exhausted.

That’s an amazing concept. Even radical. And to think, all of this is controlled and regulated by your nervous system—whose integrity and function for us is it top priority.

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For Your Health,

Dr. Billie King Shaw

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